Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extraction San RamonThe idea of tooth removal can be quite stressful for many people. We educate our patients on what to expect before oral surgery. Pulling a tooth is actually a quick and relatively painless procedure that can be done within one appointment. Knowing why you would need a tooth extraction and how it is done will help to prepare you for what to expect before you even visit our office.

Why Tooth Removal is Sometimes Necessary

Tooth extractions are often necessary when a particular tooth and its roots are decayed beyond repair. These teeth can not be fitted for a crown, and so tooth extraction is needed to make room for a bridge or denture. Our professional staff will begin by taking an x-ray of the tooth in question to see how badly decayed it is. From there, Dr. Carol Jin will be able to discuss options with you and will let you know if an extraction is necessary.

If you are having one tooth removed, you can expect the extraction to take only about an hour or so. Dr. Carol Jin will remove the tooth using a variety of different tools and will ensure that you have a local anesthetic so that you do not feel a thing. Most people who have extractions done will say that there is only a slight feeling of pressure when the tooth is being pulled.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

What are wisdom teeth and why do you need wisdom teeth extraction? They are the four permanent teeth located at the back of the mouth and are last to appear between ages 16 and 25. Often they do not have enough room to grow and can cause pain, infection and other problems resulting in wisdom tooth removal.

As with regular extractions, Dr. Carol Jin will recommend wisdom tooth extraction when there is apparent evidence of decay. We may also recommend it when the erupting tooth is causing red, swollen and painful gums or is impacted, stuck in the jaw.

Wisdom tooth removal as a preventive measure may also be recommended when the teeth are coming in at an awkward angle or pushing on the tooth in front. This can cause overcrowding, making it difficult to maintain good oral hygiene, thereby increasing the potential for tooth decay and gum disease.

The procedures for wisdom teeth extraction are much the same as those listed above. However, in the case of wisdom teeth removal, it’s necessary to make a small incision in the gums to expose the teeth. Some wisdom teeth are easier to extract than others and occasionally require bone removal.

To minimize cost and stress to her patients undergoing wisdom teeth extraction, Dr. Carol Jin recommends removing all four teeth at once. Rest assured that your comfort is our highest priority. If you require wisdom tooth extraction check our “comfort menu” to explore your options.

Proper Aftercare

Taking care of your new extraction is important to preventing infections and other problems. We will explain to you the proper aftercare while you are in the office, but it is still a good idea to familiarize yourself with everything beforehand.

  • Dr. Carol Jin will remove the tooth and may use sutures to seal the wound, depending on the area in which the tooth was removed. For example, most molar teeth will need sutures after they are removed.
  • After going home, you will be told to avoid smoking and drinking from a straw, as these two things could cause dry socket. Dry socket is characterized as a wound that does not have a blood clot forming within it and this is very painful to the patient.

Tooth extractions are sometimes necessary, but the procedure is a lot easier than you might think. We will make sure that the procedure is as comfortable and pain-free as possible while you are in our care.